Quality & Assurance


AMIE remains committed to ensuring that providers of imported meat and poultry comply with the legislation of the product offered to the consumer. This is done through a number of activities including:

  • Ensuring equivalency at all ports of entry; 
  • Following up on reports of non-compliance and quality issues, 
  • Liaison with relevant authorities in relation to proposed changes to legislation, and 
  • Improvement of existing legislation.

Latest News:

Business Intelligence:
The importance of quality data towards better decision-making

AMIE often faces public criticism in the media and on occasion the DTIC and DALRRD. Mostly the criticism would be instigated from the perspective of perceived import unfair pricing and possible dumping. There may be merit in specific instances but generally, the attention of the public and decision-making bodies are diverted because of unsubstantiated and misleading analysis that is based on import and export data available in the public domain. Read the article here to get the full picture of how importance quality data is. 

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DALRRD import Controls System

The eCert team is excited to announce that the Animal Import Permit is available on the QA environment for testing. This testing period allows for the identification of any issues or missed requirements. For more information read the full article. 

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