AMIE has an enormous international network that is interested in distributing South African meat products. While we represent the interests of meat and poultry importers and exporters, AMIE is collaborating with local producers to help them access foreign markets.
AMIE is ideally placed to assist with export promotion, given the large network of its members but requires funds to make this happen. With preferential access to all countries in the SADC region as well as duty-free access to the European Union, export opportunities can be leveraged to build our industry and local economy.
AMIE is in discussion with the EU about gaining access to the European market and will soon engage with countries such as Mozambique and other SADC countries around opening these markets for South Africa.
Currently, AMIE is a signatory of the Poultry Master Plan, and a key objective of the plan is to gain access to new export markets for the South African poultry sector however this can be expanded to assist Pork, Beef, and Lamb producers to export.
Latest Developments:

Zimbabwe lifts ban on cloven-hoofed animal imports from Select South African provinces
9 January 2025, Sunday Mail Zimbabwe On January 7, 2025, the Veterinary Services Directorate of

Importation Restriction Notice Germany: Cloven-hooved Animals and their Products
16 January 2025, Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Please note that DALLRRD

China launches a safeguard investigation into fresh and frozen beef
6 January 2025, XA Global Trade Advisors 25% of South African beef exports went to